Veterinary news and trends with Dr Adam Christman August 2023

August 16, 2023

The world's oldest dog, a new $50,000 scholarship, and more

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Welcome to the newest episode of dvm360 Live!™. In this edition, Adam Christman, DVM, MBA recognizes 2 exciting milestones in the world of veterinary medicine. First, he highlights the heartwarming 31st birthday celebration of the world's oldest dog, a testament to the timeless bond between humans and animals. Additionally, Christman discusses the inaugural AAVMC Dr. Catherine A. Knupp Scholarship, awarding $50,000 to a promising DVM/PhD student at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, fueling their path toward innovative research and transformative contributions.

Tune in to the full segment dvm360 Live!™ above to explore these narratives and check out links below to read more about the news stories discussed in this episode:

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