Podcast CE: Canine cardiology: the practical guide to the mitral valve patient

July 19, 2023

Learn about the prevalence of myxomatous mitral valve disease, guidelines for staging heart disease, proactive diagnostic workup, the importance of spironolactone and aldosterone blocking, and the benefits of combination therapy for improved outcomes in canine patients

This podcast is sponsored by Ceva Animal Health. This podcast is eligible for CE credits. Head to dvm360 Flex and login or create an account to redeem your free CE after listening to this episode.

Program Description

During this podcast, attendees will start by recognizing the prevalence, common signalment of myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) in our canine patients, and why this disease matters to veterinarians and pet parents. We will then discuss the ACVIM guidelines for staging heart disease to understand where we intervene, which pharmaceuticals are used, and why. We will transition into a brief revisit of the canine diagnostic workup that general practices can perform to be proactive and take control of their patients. And the remainder of the presentation will introduce why spironolactone is a critical piece of intervention, why blocking aldosterone is important, and how combination therapy can help increase compliance and medical outcomes.

Program Agenda

  • Mitral valve disease prevalence and signalment
  • ACVIM guidelines discussion
  • General practice cardiac diagnostic workup
  • Spironolactone – definition, target of therapy, benefit, and placement in mitral valve disease patients

Learning Objectives

  1. Attendees will understand the prevalence of mitral valve disease and the misunderstanding of most pet parents on the pathophysiology.
  2. Attendees will have ACVIM guidelines reviewed and as ongoing resources to guide diagnostics and treatment in generalist practice.
  3. Attendees will be introduced to the benefits of spironolactone, its place within the RAAS system and benefits to the cardiac system, and how combination therapy can increase compliance.
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