Limitations during Parvo treatment

November 16, 2023

How cost, accessibility, and patient condition affect treatment

Sponsored by Elanco Animal Health

Adam Christman, DVM, MBA

I just want to talk about limitations of canine parvovirus. So what are some of the limitations that are out there?

Michael Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

Good question there. There are a lot, but probably one of the biggest ones, in my opinion is not having a standardized specific treatment for the virus itself. We've been basically doing supportive care for this virus and many others my whole career.

Adam Christman, DVM, MBA

Anything else you wanted to add?

Erik Zager, DVM, DACVECC

Yeah, and I think one of the biggest challenges is nutrition. You know, the gut is not getting any of its nutrition from your IV fluids, your IV dextrose. Anything that needs direct nutrition, enteral nutrition, and when you have dogs that are vomiting, regurgitating stomachs, full fluid, it can be difficult. And so getting those nasal gastric tubes in early, it's more time and effort from your team, but getting them in starting to enter nutrition, even in the face of you know, mild to sometimes even moderate regurgitation. You kind of kind of feed them through that. We stop it if they're having really severe regurgitation or vomiting. But but those enterocytes need their dinner and really, that's there's no better way to do it.

Adam Christman, DVM, MBA

Yeah. And historically, what have been some of the pain points in treating this disease?

Erik Zager, DVM, DACVECC

I'd say that's probably one of the biggest one is is that nutritional support. I think that's getting them admitted is because it is a financial burden. It is difficult for those owners, it is difficult to honor why their puppy that they've had for two days now you need to hospitalized for multiple thousands of dollars. And so trying to get them treated, educate the owners at the same exact time while your staff is placing those IVs in isolation. It is a painful pain point. It's a pain arena from beginning to end for this disease.

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