ABVS seeking comments on new proposed specialty

April 23, 2024

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s ABVS is seeking public comment on a proposal to create a new veterinary specialty in clinical wildlife practice

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS) shared that it has received a letter of intent to form a clinical wildlife practice (CWP) specialty within the American Board of Veterinary practitioners (ABVP). According to the AVMA, the board is seeking comments from the public and profession regarding the new proposed specialty organization, following ABVS procedures.

In June 2023, the organization committee of the proposed specialty submitted it letter of intent, which was accepting by the ABVS during its meeting last month.1 The goal of accepting public comment is to gauge both the distinctness of the profess specialty from the specialties currently recognized and if it is needed by the public. The comments also gage the potential acceptance of the proposed veterinary specialty in the intended section of veterinary medicine.

According to the Justification for intent to form an American Board of Veterinary Practitioners clinical wildlife practice recognized veterinary specialty submitted by the group, CWP wants to improve services to the public and stakeholders by helping people identify veterinarians who are competent and knowledge in the field. The intent of the new specialty is also to continue to support the publication of scholarly wildlife medicine and surgery as well as continue to create and support annual continuing veterinary medical education for professionals interested in the field.

The form also stated the CWP hopes with the recognition, the group will continue to work with academic, government, and non-government organizations to ensure the welfare of wildlife and humane care.2

Currently, AVMA recognizes 22 specialty organizations and 46 specialties, all of which comply with the guidelines within the ABVS Policies and Procedures manual.

For those interested in submitting a comment, the AVMA is asking for the public to refer to those guidelines when they are developing comments. Comments will be accepted through July 31, 2024, and the AVMA will have a one-page submission from the CWP organizing committee on its website that will detail the justifications and goals for the specialty.1 It will also include instructions on how to comment on the proposals, but all comments should be emailed to ABVS@avma.org


  1. Comments invited on proposed clinical wildlife practice specialty. News release. American Veterinary Medical Association. April 22, 2024. Accessed April 23, 2024. https://www.avma.org/news/comments-invited-proposed-clinical-wildlife-practice-specialty
  2. Comments open: Proposed specialty in clinical wildlife practice. News release. American Veterinary Medical Association. Accessed April 23, 2024. https://www.avma.org/education/veterinary-specialties/comments-open-proposed-specialty-clinical-wildlife-practice
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