Monitoring long-term anti-inflammatory therapy for canine allergic dermatitis

Because canine allergic dermatitis is a lifelong disease, Brittany Lancellotti, DVM, DACVD, explains how important monitoring the safety and ethicality of therapies given to these patients is

The challenges of diagnosing feline atopic skin syndrome

It is more difficult to diagnose a cat with feline atopic skin syndrome than it is to diagnose a dog with atopic dermatitis, but why?

Paws and profits: Leadership in the veterinary profession

New leadership moves at Wedgewood, Aurora Pharmaceutical, VetnCare, and the AVMA

Programs are working to advance emergency and speciality veterinary medicine

A pair of growing initiatives from BluePearl Pet Hospital aim to help alleviate an industry shortage of doctors

Amid an accessibility crisis, one solution has come to the fore

How rising prices have prompted a surge in the use of pet insurance

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